Are your messages “fierce” enough?

When I hear someone say,

“People aren’t reading emails anymore.”


“Copy is too salesy.”

I quietly think to myself…

“Well yeah. No one’s reading emails anymore because 99% of them are total 

Here’s the thing…

If you’re reading something and you can tell it’s “copy”, it’s shitty copy.

In other words, damn good copy is so seamless, conversational and natural, that you literally can’t tell you are being sold to.

And the reason you can’t tell is because you are so engaged and intrigued by the tone, story, messaging, you’re actually enjoying reading it…

Can you imagine that?

Really powerful copy doesn’t SELL to you, or at you.

Instead, as you’re reading, you get a sense that YOUR needs are front and center.

Every word is written for you, in your interest (not the business’s). It’s a joy and an experience to read.

You’re learning while you read.

You’re smiling while you read.

You’re nodding your head while you read.

Think of the people you decide to keep in your inbox.

What is it that keeps you tuned in?

Chances are, they offer you a valuable experience. They make you laugh, stir you up, make you think.

Isn’t that a beautiful goal to aim for with YOUR messages?

I know, we’re all busy and writing isn’t always easy. (Who has the time to wax poetic on a Tuesday?)

But, here’s what else I know (and plan to practice in my business)…

If you can’t crank out an email on the day you typically mail, it’s okay. Sit with it, refuel the tank, and come out with something truly potent–even if it’s a little off schedule.

Because a fierce message is what will turn heads, and get a response.

Resonance and potency will take you further than anything else.



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